
互联网 阅读 960 2022-03-24 10:56:00

Q1:How do NFTs differ to cryptocurrencies?



A:Simply speaking, NFTs is a non-fungible token, while FT is a fungible token. Technically, they are both cryptocurrencies. However, NFTs can be associated with specific metadata and become various digital products or digital commodities, while FT is mostly used as currency or securities.



Q2:To what extent is keeping financialization away from NFTs the key to the long-term success of NFTs in China?



A:In this regard, China's regulatory policy is consistent with the logic of other countries or regions in the world, that is, if the issuance and trade of NFT meets the characteristics of financial instruments such as securities, fund shares and securitization products, it must be regulated in accordance with the requirements of financial regulation.



Q3:What are the legal issues that need to be understood in the development of NFTs in China?



A:Generally speaking, it includes these aspects:

I. The legal issues of information and data related to data processing, network security and personal information protection;

II. The legal issues related to intellectual property rights such as copyright, trademark, patent and trade secret, as well as other civil rights such as portrait right and virtual property right;

III.Fund-raising, deposit collecting Financial transactions and other related legal issues of financial supervision.






Q4:What are the key issues in NFT platform compliance in China?



A:As a platform compliance, the three issues mentioned above are very important. If these issues are not handled well, they may lead to civil, administrative and even criminal liabilities. Relatively speaking, compliance with financial regulatory requirements may be slightly more important.



Q5:To what extent is the Chinese government involved in NFTs?



A:From personal observation, the potential of NFT products in stimulating market in cultural and creative works such as digital works of art, cultural and Expo resources has attracted the attention of relevant government agencies.



Q6:What are the advantages and disadvantages of the China system with regards to creating an NFT market?



A:There are many advantages, including China's rich cultural and creative resources and application scenarios, a relatively broad market, and a relatively sound market system composed of manufacturing, software, creative services and other related industries;


The disadvantage is that at present, too much attention is paid to games and entertainment, and the combination with physical application scenarios is far from enough;

The application mode is still relatively single. At present, many pictures are only used to simply determine the ownership;

There is indeed excessive anticipation in the specific issuance process.

 In addition, we need to further improve the benign interaction between the regulatory mechanism and the market demand.






Q7:To what extent do NFTs/digital collectibles differ in China, compared to the rest of the world?



A:At present, the main difference is that the NFT products issued by many Internet platforms in China are mainly issued based on alliance chain or so called non-public chain, while many overseas are issued based on public chain and traded through smart contracts, but the NFT technical protocols on which they are based are basically similar.


I personally believe that NFT is a technical tool for commodity digitization. From the legal nature, NFT is a digital product and commodity with use value.

If we understand the application and supervision of NFT products from this perspective, it is possible to get through the application modes at home and abroad.




Q8:What are the future prospects for NFTs? Both in China and around the world?



A:Whether in China or outside, the development of digital economy has become an inevitable trend. Like many other countries in the world, China is committed to promoting the digital transformation of economy and society.

NFT is a technical tool for commodity digitization, a technical tool for digital content production and cooperation in the future, and a technical carrier for forming a healthy data equity system and allowing data to be owned by users. It has broad prospects in the future.



Q9:To what extent is there a risk of an “NFT bubble”?



A:The general emerging application mode will produce bubble. As far as NFT is concerned, the main reason for the emergence of bubbles is that they do have broad prospects and attract large amounts of capital and investment.

On the other hand, their technical protocols, application models, application scenarios and industrial ecology are not perfect enough.



Q10:How do you see the China NFT market developing over the next five-to-10 years?



A:It's usually hard to predict. The development of NFT market is closely related to the digitization process of the whole society.

From a personal point of view, NFT products will gradually replace traditional digital products in some fields in five years, and most fields may be replaced in ten years.




Q11Are there any other key legal questions or issues around NFTs that people should be aware of?



A:We should realize that digitization is irreversible. In the future, we will slowly accept that NFT is a daily commodity in Metaverse, but it is still far from reality currently. There is still a long way to go in technology, application and industry, including legal norms.

Whether as users or entrepreneurs, we should participate carefully on the basis of full learning.




张烽律师就NFT市场相关法律问题于20223月应邀接受Patrick BodyEditor at SinoMedia采访,本文是对相关回复整理。



上一篇:私享课 | Cosmos生态的以太坊跨链桥梁——Gravity Bridge 下一篇:【活动邀请】3月29日 | 在线直播会议-数据交易业务法律合规问题


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